Roundtable Discussion
8th April 2010
For the second Roundtable Discussion held in Malta, SOS Malta teamed up with the World Association of Alumnae and Alumni of the Sacred Heart at the AMASC World Congress in Malta on the 8th April 2010. AMASC is a worldwide association of students of the Sacred Heart, which for the last fifty years, has met for a world congress every four years in different countries.
The World Congress was themed “Fight Poverty” and the subject of discussion on the 8th April was “Climate Change: Impact on Water, Food, Migration and Poverty”. Ms Monique Falzon, the MEDIP Project Manager, opened the Roundtable Discussion with a presentation entitled “The Millennium Development Goals: Where are we at?”. Other speakers included Sister Paloma (migration and poverty), Ms Agnes Dutordoir (women and poverty), and Ms Penny Sturrock and Ms Rebecca Daniels (indigenous people). The panel was chaired by Dr. Isabelle Calleja from the University of Malta.
This event was attended by delegates from all over the world amounting to approximately 350 people, 150 of which were Maltese.