Business with a Heart

In September 2015 world leaders committed to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (or SDGs). These are 17 goals that wish to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty, Fight inequality and injustice and Fix climate change ( To achieve the global goals partnership between government, business and civil society is needed.
As the driving force behind economic growth, business is uniquely positioned to help establish a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable society. However, a transformative change requires all companies to integrate environmental, social and good governance approaches. As the UN Global Compact highlights, ‘simply doing business to earn the greatest profits is no longer enough. Corporations must be responsible for the repercussions of their actions in ways that go beyond profit and loss’. The launch of the SDGs has provided a framework for action in this regard.
As a result of EU funding awarded by SKOP, SOS Malta have embarked on a project which seeks to address some of the barriers to involvement of businesses in the SDGs, including their knowledge on the subject; the need for strong leadership and the need for recognition of the potential gains of engagement on global issues. The objective of the project is to increase awareness, knowledge and engagement of the Maltese business sector regarding its role in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs at the local level.
To achieve this goal, the project is based on awareness raising campaign, through social media and visual campaign. As a first step SOS Malta are seeking to understand better how Maltese companies are responding to the sustainable development agenda. We believe there are many companies out there doing good for people and planet, but we are not fully aware of these initiatives. A background research on good practices of the businesses in Malta or elsewhere will be done, in order to understand the situation and identify any good practices.
Audiovisual materials (clips, animations, images…) will be developed which will be regularly posted on social media, during business events and seminars organized for the project.
A final business networking session will be held for the companies who would like to strengthen their knowledges, understand more about the SDGs and start acting for the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
In order to carry out the project more effectively SOS Malta have teamed up with Deloitte Malta and the CORE Platform to reach out to the business sector more effectively.
We created a survey that sought to understand the situation in Malta and to identify any good practices of the maltese businesses related to the sustainable development agenda. You can find the survey analysis here.
Get involved
Follow our social media campaign
-> Through our website
-> Like our pages on Facebook
-> Follow the campaign on Twitter:
Share on social medias your commitment to the Sustainable Development agenda
- Share or post our images with the caption “Our company/ (or name) is committed to SDG xx” followed by the hashtag #businesswithaheart
- Share a particular action you are taking on the SDGs within your business, followed by the hashtag #businesswithaheart
Tell us your story: if you have any good initiatives and practices related to the SDGs in your business, we would be glad if you could send an email to If you agree we can feature them in our campaign to advertise on your good practices and give good examples to the other businesses who did not engaged yet into the agenda.
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us by email at