SOS Malta is taking part in LADDER- Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Awareness Raising, a 3 year project, co-financed by the EU through EuropeAid. SOS Malta is participating in the project in cooperation with 46 other Civil Society Organizations and Local Authority organisations and networks across the EU and the neighbourhood region. The main objective of the project is to raise awareness about increasingly inter-dependent world in which we are living, leading our individual and collective behaviour to have consequences on development issues globally. The project seeks to mobilise for a greater support for actions against poverty and fairer relations between developing and developed countries from local authorities and civil society across Europe.
The LADDER project specifically aims to increase the capacity of local authorities in the field of development, improving cooperation between local authorities and civil society organizations, enhancing the European citizens’ information on development issues, raising their awareness on the interdependence between the European countries and producing tools and methods for the promotion of development education.
This project will create a platform of networks pursuing the “2015 European Year of Development” objectives and trying to reach them. The project focuses on the European Union’s neighbouring regions, such as South East Europe, Caucasus and Mediterranean and has a thematic focus focusing on 6 key development issues: Youth in Development; Migration; Citizens Participation in Development; public and private cooperation in Development; Environmental and sustainable development and; the European Year on Development
As part of this project as well as participating in all project activities, SOS Malta will specifically be coordinating activities within the migration thematic path. The working path will seek to build a body of knowledge to enable local authorities to impact on policy and practice related to migration and development. As the leader of the migration network, SOS Malta will also host an international event within Malta bringing together local and international stakeholders as a result of the knowledge gained a handbook focusing on the recommendations and policy implementation related to migration and development will be produced.
The Ministry for Education and Employment is partly financing the co-financing borne by SOS Malta for the purpose of this Project.
For more information about the project please go to the website:
To find out more information about our project please see the leaflet: EN MT
Presentation brochure of LADDER
Presentation brochure of LADDER (Maltese)
or contact:
To read more about the results of the project please go to the following documents and reports:
LADDER Report 2017
LADDER Thematic Handbook
LADDER Geographical Handbook
LADDER Regranting Scheme Handbook
LADDER Methodological Handbook
As part of the work of the migration path we seek to build awareness on the migration issue and make recommendations for more effective responses from the EU, National, and local government as well as civil society.
You can read more our statements, letters and information at the below links:
Statement on the valletta Summit Nov 2015
Reactions to the Migration Partnership Framework June 2016
Letter in Response to EU Council Meeting Dec 2016
Statement on the Malta Declaration
Statement on Migrant Women
Good Practice Guide to Integration for Local Authorities