Volunteer Sliema

Volunteer Sliema is a Partnership between SOS Malta and the Core Platform and is supported by Sliema Local Council and Capua Hospital. This multi-stakeholder local partnership will develop an innovative community based response to the needs of vulnerable elderly people (particularly those living on a low income) to ensure a reduction of their social exclusion, whilst contributing to a reawakening of the spirit of self giving and responsible citizenship within the community through the development of a local volunteer scheme. This project will be a flagship project to celebrate 25 years of SOS Malta.
This project will seek to ensure vulnerable elderly and people with a disability feel more mobile and able to access health care and essential services, as well as engage in leisure and community activities such as shopping, going to church or visiting family. Additionally, the project will seek to provide emotional support to these groups of people and contact with the community through the creation of a community volunteers network in Sliema which will combat the isolation experienced by many in the community.
The proposed pilot project would take place in Sliema. This area has been chosen as one of the main shopping hub for the south, east and central area of Malta and therefore has a wide catchment area. Additionally, other services are available at local level which the elderly may need to access such as doctors surgery, pharmacy, dentist, local council, post office, supermarkets etc. We have consulted Sliema Local Council who support the development of the scheme and will collaborate fully to ensure its success. The project proposes to use the infrastructure already defined by SOS Malta for other volunteer projects and will use Volgistics to manage the volunteers. As this is a pilot, we would like to limit the area to ensure that all logistics are in place and functioning properly in a limited area, before expanding this service out across after the pilot is complete.
The project will include 3 key elements:
1) The development of a local volunteer network of least 30 volunteers to ensure a qualified, confident and collaborative pool of support for the elderly and also people with physical disabilities at the local level who will carry out community support such as befriending and supporting the elderly in their home and running the logistics of the transport services;
2) the development of a community transport scheme to promote the mobility of the elderly and those with a disability, through a community transport and scooter mobility service;
3) The establishment of a local stakeholder network who support the implementation of the scheme to ensure its success.
Volunteer Application Form
For more information kindly contact SOS Malta on info@sosmalta.org or CORE Platform on matteo.privitelli@core.org.mt