Volunteering Across Europe - Research Projects

Italian volunteering support centres and CEV members  SPES Lazio - CSV Friuli Venezia Giulia - Celivo Genova - AVM Marche - CSV Basilicata - CNV Lucca on a research project entitled Volunteering across Europe 2008 - Research Year III

This research work is a continuation of research on volunteering done by SPES in the past years. Two publications with country reports on Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland and Czech Republic (volume I) and on Belgium, Slovakia and Lithuania (volume II) are available on request. This year the research work is run jointly by a group of the Italian volunteering support centres and aims to cover 17 countries, in order to complete the panorama on volunteering in the European Union countries.

The choice of the Italian partners is to run the research in partnership with a volunteering support centre of the country in question, in the case of Malta, with SOS Malta, thus favouring common goals for the development of the infrastructure for voluntering and the networking among CEV members and other potential partners.

The research is based on three tools, standard across all countries:

1. Overview
Desk research on available data, research and information following a set of titles.

2. Questionnaire
For volunteering support centre on local, regional and national level; or, where these are non existent, for organisations or federations who perform significant work towards promotion of volunteering and / or provide services to voluntary organisations.

3. Interview
To lead persons of the volunteering movement according to the defined set of questions.