Side by Side (2013-2014)

“Side by Side: A newspaper promoting integration and diversity in Malta”
SOS Malta is leading a 12 month project called: “Side by Side: A newspaper promoting integration and diversity in Malta,” co-financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals.
This project aims to increase understanding and appreciation of interculturalism and cultural diversity in Malta through the dissemination of a free printed newspaper and an e-newspaper focused on cultural diversity, leading to increased integration of Third Country Nationals within the Maltese society whilst at the same time promoting equal opportunities.
Previous Issues of Side by Side:
The Recommendations and Evaluation Report has also been published for interested stakeholders and who attended the final Round Table Event. It can be accessed here or using the link below:
The team would like to thank all those who contributed in one way or another and to all those who provided support throughout the implementation of the project.