EEA Grants No Hatespeech Campaign
Are You a Blogger? This will interest you!

Blogger Training on No Hate Speech in Malta for Young People: Developing participant’s knowledge, skills and attitudes in human rights.
Villa Psaigon 19-21st September 2014
Hate speech is not a new issue. However it’s ever expanding prevalence and online dimension creates a serious cause for concern and need to focus on and combat such issues.
The Council of Europe proposes that the internet is a public space that should be governed by human rights principles and values and should contribute to the development of a culture that nurtures and protects human rights.
This is where you come in.
SOS Malta, in collaboration with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is offering a training course from 19-21 September 2014 at Villa Psaigon, Dingli which will focus on developing knowledge skills and attitudes in human rights and supporting participants to recognise and act against racism and discrimination in their online form of expression, whilst also supporting them to further promote the human rights values of the Council of Europe among young people online. By sharing and learning from each other’s experiences, we can build platforms to empower and mobilise others to defend human rights.
This training course will bring together a group of young Maltese people under the age of 30 who have an embedded commitment to human rights values. The desired profile is:
· Active bloggers or human rights activists or young people involved in community benefit online.
· Applicants must also possess a medium level of digital competence
· Applicants should display a proven capacity to mobilise and motivate other young people of similar persuasion.
· Applicants must be motivated and committed to take forward their training through an online campaign against hate speech in Malta.
The training, accomodation and catering services will be provided free of charge.
So, if you believe you fit the above criteria and are interested in applying, please fill in the application form here and return it to by not later than the 12th September 2014.
Good luck!