The Sunday Times - 29 May 2011
A project called ‘Empowering private sector employees through volunteering (Epsev) was launched within the context of the European Year of Volunteering.
Corporate volunteering is when private companies and employees offer their time, talent, energies and resources to the community.
Corporate volunteering can range from individual volunteer effort to team or company involvement and can take place with NGOs.
The project is funded with the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the EU and brings together partners from three new EU member states, led by SOS Malta in partnership with Volunteer Development Estonia and Savanoriu Centras (Lithuania).
The Epsev project’s key objective is to promote corporate volunteering and to facilitate the setting up of corporate volunteering schemes between companies and NGOs.
As part of the project, SOS Malta recently ran a two-day workshop and networking event, which was opened by Foundation for Human Resources CEO Joe Gerada and attended by NGOs working with various community groups as well as businesses that operate within the hotel, telecommunication, real estate, retail and financial sectors.
More information can be found at