The Sunday Times - 19 June 2011

SOS Malta is raising funds for rainwater harvesting projects in schools and villages for the poor in developing countries.
Having launched its campaign ‘Malta walks for water’ last March, SOS Malta is continuing its work by giving more water to the poor.
Funds raised through this initiative will go towards building boreholes and wells and rainwater harvesting projects in developing countries.
If safely collected, rainwater can be a source of cheap, pure water.
Last year, with the help of Malta’s Official Development Assistance and Vascas Jewellers, SOS Malta had implemented rainwater harvesting projects in schools and villages in Uganda.
The water is generally collected from pre-cleaned roofs where it runs via gutters and pipes into a storage tank for use straight away or during the dry season when water tables drop and most wells often run dry.
The NGO is also currently working with Vascas, Orienta and Alert to promote ‘The world walks for water’, an initiative that aims to raise awareness on the global and sanitation crisis and demands action to stop the needless deaths of 4,000 children every day.
For more information and to donate money visit