First Call NGO Malta Programme May 2013
EEA Grants - Malta NGO Programme Narrative Interim Report First Call May 2013
EEA Grants Malta NGO Programme Financial Interim Report - First Call May 2013
The Beneficiaries of the EEA Grants have been chosen thanks to a Selection Committee. The below are the beneficiaries and a short description of their projects and their aims and objectives.
Project Name: PHROM - Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta
Applicant Organisation: ADITUS Foundation
PHROM is the set up of Malta’s first ever network of voluntary organisations working in human rights. Membership is open to any organisation working to improve the quality of human rights enjoyment, whether through service-provision, public awareness or advocacy. Aim is attracting members from varied human rights sectors, to promote cross-sectoral dialogue and learning and to underline the need to view human rights as structural to Malta’s overall democratic growth. PHROM offers human rights NGOs the possibility of speaking with one strong voice in favour of the universal recognition of all human rights for all persons.
Project Outcomes: Training on coalition building, awareness-raising campaigns on human rights; NGO/Media partnerships: social and human rights areas; Cross-border cooperation: building democracy and protection human rights; Advocacy campaigns on human rights issues; watchdog roles of NGOs
Direct benefit of the project for the above marked target group: NGOs
Project Name: IRENE: Women involved in Street Prostitution: Outreach and Basic Services
Applicant Organisation: St. Jeanne Antide Foundation
Aiming to combat poverty, social exclusion and sexual exploitation of vulnerable women, the project focuses on the development and provision of support services to a target group that is undeserved within the continuum of services provision nationally – vulnerable women involved in street prostitution. These Vulnerable women are poor, are socially excluded and have unmet basic human needs; are vulnerable to coercion, violence and exploitation; are likely to suffer form mental health problems; are prone to repeat arrests and imprisonment; are entrenched in drug problems; may be controlled by pimps or partners having drug problems which women end up funding and sustaining through their involvement in prostitution; and lacks support to access services.
The target group of the IRENE Project are vulnerable women involved in prostitution. At the core of their vulnerability to become involved in prostitution is childhood sexual abuse and subsequent relationships with abusive men.
Project Name: Enhancing Capacity to Advocate for LGBT Rights
Applicant Organisation: Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM)
Since there is a lack of LGBT awareness, the project is aimed at the coordination of advocacy at national level, organise events, lobby government departments and institutions intended to build the capacity of the organisation to address a number of policy and programmes areas while enhancing the capacity of Malta Gay Rights Movement to advocate for the rights of the LGBT community in Malta in a range of policy areas such as education, health, the elderly, judiciary, the police, healthcare providers, prison wardens and educators.
The project addresses a number of objectives: Advocacy and human watchdog role, active citizenship, Democratic values, including human rights, promoted, Provision of welfare and basic services.
The project contributes towards a number of outcomes: Advocacy campaigns on crucial human rights issues implemented, Increasing advocacy and watchdog roles of NGOs and awareness raising campaigns.
Minorities are expected to benefit, in particular LGBT.
Project Name: And They Lived Happily Ever After
Applicant Organisation: Write Deal Association
Cartoons and traditional fairytales are subconsciously instilling in children a sense of racism, homophobia and xenophobia, whilst promoting gender inequality, social inequality, poverty and exclusion.
The project is a re-launch of three popular and traditional fairytales which are discriminatory and against human rights. The highly-executed cartoons will be recounting these fairytales by promoting social and human rights, addressing gender and social inequality, tackling poverty and exclusion. Stereotyped perceptions will be changed with children at an early age.
Expected Outcomes include: Democratic Values, including human rights, promoted, Empowerment of vulnerable groups and Advocacy and human watchdog role developed.
The project’s relevant objective is to promote issues such as: hate speech; Human rights and democratization; Racism and xenophobia; Homophobia; Gender equality; Migration with major focus on minors and integration; Elderly care; Domestic violence.