SOS Malta is the lead organization for Malta on the European project STEPS, which aims to engage civil society organizations in new member states in public health research (lead partners UCL, EUPHA and Skalbes, a Latvian NGO).
A main objective of SOS's involvement in this project is the organization of a national workshop whereby all stakeholders linked to public health research are brought together. An organising committee made up of members of SOS Malta, Malta Health Network (MHN) and Malta Association of Public Health Medicine (MAPHM) was set-up for this event.
Taking into account that national assessments on national public health research systems in 12 new EU member states are supposed to be worked out according the tasks of STEPS, the workshops is one of the methods to provide collaboration between various stakeholders and to provide the discussion forum on draft assessment by giving suggestions on development of public health research policy and effective engagement of stakeholders.
All national workshops have the same objectives:
• to provide discussion forum for various stakeholders (CSOs, Public health associations, researchers) for describe the existing system on research in public health in national level on proposed themes;
• to make out suggestions on how to improve public health research, through actions by the ministries of health and strengthening the engagement of different civil society organisations (CSOs) especially citizen health organisations.
The workshops in 12 European new member states will have similar structures and the same themes, although, of course, modified according to local circumstances. Therefore, the template is made to help organisers and partners of the STEPS to fulfil the objectives of workshops.
The objectives of workshop
• to provide discussion forum for various stakeholders (CSOs, Public health associations, researchers) for describe the existing system on research in public health in national level according proposed themes;
• to make out suggestions on how to improve public health research, through actions by the ministries of health and strengthening the engagement of different civil society organisations (CSOs) especially citizen health organisations.
The results of workshop
From each workshop will be worked out suggestions for the national assessment (report), what includes:
• Description of the current system including European involvement
• Suggestions for improvement the public health research system and engaging civil society organisations
The target group of the workshop
• Citizen health organisations (including advocacy and service provider organisations)
• Professional representative NGOs including national public health associations
• Research institutes and researchers
In total there could be around 20 participants at each workshop, having expertise on public health, public health research, advocacy and engagement.
The duration of the workshop
It is a one day workshop held on Friday 26th March, 08:30 till 17:30. Venue is The Victoria Hotel, Sliema
Themes of the workshop
1. Description of the existing public health research system (legal base, responsible institutions, finances, prioritization)
2. The role of different civil society, especially the citizen organisations, in contributing to public health research
3. Could be chosen an actual topic example for a national organisation
4. European dimensions (how the European funding programmes are used - European Structural Funds, FP7; How to participate in European level to influence the financial delivering according the priorities - FP7 national contact point, influencing the research calls; collaboration with European networks and what is the benefit of European networks - European Science Foundation, etc.)
STEPS National Workshop Malta - 26 March 2010- The Victoria Hotel, Sliema