Eu Aid Volunteers 4 You - Sending Organisation
Project EU Aid 4 You
The Eu Aid 4 You project is part of the Eu Aid Volunteer programme, which brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, providing practical support for the provision of humanitarian aid and helping to build local capacity and resilience in communities affected by disasters. Through this programme, 4,000 EU citizens will have the opportunity to do humanitarian work and help people in crisis situations. The initiative will also provide capacity building support to some 4,400 people from non-EU and disaster-affected countries and offer 10,000 online volunteering opportunities.
This project coordinated by La Guilde in France, is a technical assistance and capacity building project with a consortium composed of EU and non EU-based organisations, from Ireland, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Togo, Myanmar and Peru. Technical assistance and capacity building shall help organisations to comply with the EU standards and procedures required to obtain the EU Aid Volunteers certification and then, be able to send or host EU Aid Volunteers. Partners receive training in security, volunteer management and disaster risk reduction, and carry out a self-assessment of their standards and procedures.
One of the aims of this project is to bridge gaps between organisations specialised in volunteer management and those specialised in humanitarian aid. It was built as a joint project with EV4U-Hosting Organisations, in order to strengthen links between EU and non-EU organisations.
The different objectives of the programme are:
- Strengthening the capacities of sending/hosting organisations intending to participate in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.
- Ensuring compliance with the standards and procedures set for sending/hosting organisations in the EUAV initiative, in order to undergo certification.
- Bridging gaps between organisations specialized in volunteer management and those specialized in humanitarian aid, while strengthening links between EU and non-EU organisations.
Following the work carried out in the framework of the the EV4U project, SOS Malta receieved EU Certification for deployment of volunteers under the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, as recognition for compliance with 18 certification standards. Some of the documents that we had put togehter for this purpose are:
1. Dealing with anger - leaflet designed for volunteers
2. SOS Malta Crisis Management Team
3. Working Conditions of Service for international Volunteers
Check out the volunteering opportunities available at the moment on the platform:

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